Tuesday, 24 January 2012

You have to star-t somewhere!

The new year is always awash with resolutions and good intentions isn't it?  And mine this year (or at least one of them) is to be more creative.
I've been embroidering, sewing, making things on and off for years now and before Christmas, after finishing five roman blinds for our 'new' kitchen, I really felt that I wanted to keep going now that I'd got back into the swing of things.  And this blog is an attempt to encourage myself to keep the momentum going.  So, please bear with me as I get the hang of blogging
Rewinding a little, with less than a week to go before Christmas, I rummaged through my stuff (and I've accumulated a LOT of craft odds and ends) and decided to make some decorations.  A bit late, maybe, but I could always keep them until next year as gifts.
And I settled on stars.  Beads stars to be precise.

Here's my 'kit'.
As you can see, I also started some sequined baubles.  These are based on some string covered ones I made years ago (I'll try to put some photos of those here too sometime), but a bit more 'bling'.  Unfortunately, my sequins ran out, so I'll have to get back on Ebay to buy more before I can finish them off.
Right, back to my bead stars.  I first saw them when a very dear German friend gave me some.  She had such a talent for wrapping gifts and every Christmas our delivery from her would be a delight even before we'd opened the presents.  And more often than not, on top of the selection of parcels she'd sent us would be a branch of Christmas tree with a beautiful, traditional German decoration.  Some would be straw stars, others would be painted pewter, or wax ... or these simple, but delightful wooden bead stars.

She promised that she'd show me how to make them, but the only 'tuition' I got was a star and 'I'm sure you can work it out for yourself!'.  So, I gave it a go and here's the result.  I've made dozens and dozens.  They adorn my parent's Christmas tree, my sister's tree and mine.  I've also used them to decorate Christmas presents too - looping the ribbon bow through the hole, or just fastening them to the gift ribbon.  I'm sure you could think of other things to do with them too.  I also made some blue and white ones for a Jewish friend, as they are a Star of David.


tara said...

I love these, but when I tried to make them I ended up with a string and a little heap of beads. Instruction would be greatly appreciated! Great blog by the way.

Unknown said...

Hi Tara
Thanks for your comment. I'll try to post some instructions soon. X